4B—Mrs. Garone




Please send in all papers from Thursday folder.

Reading- study new voc.words. They are in reading notebook.

We also copy homework in our planner every day.

google classroom

everyone was invited  if you need the code pn4xpwx   I did get 6 responses


remember to cover books

return all papers on Thursday folder

gym is Monday and Friday

music- Tuesday

Spanish and computers-Wednesday



Have a great weekend!


Good morning,  A few reminders:  $5.oo for planner

cover only hard covered books

bring in a small picture of yourself

gym- Monday and Friday

Homework is posted every day.

Have a great day!

Sept. 5, 2023

Welcome to 4th grade.  It is going to be a year  of learning many new things and a year of fun.

If you have any questions please email to my school address. I will get back to you a soon as possible.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Please bring in a small picture of yourself.


You have Gym every Monday and Friday.

Music on Tuesday

Spanish and Computers  on Wednesday

Art on Thursday