1B—Mrs. Mele




100th Day posters are due on Monday, 2/12  We will celebrate ALL day!  Children need to wear their uniforms.  

Updates are being sent home in your child’s folder today.  Please read and discuss them with your child.  Please sign and return them on Monday in the envelope that they came home in. I reuse them.

Valentine’s Day is being celebrated on Tuesday, 2/13 due to the beginning of Lent on Wednesday.  If your child is bringing in cards, please send them in on Tuesday.  Tuesday is a TAG Day for $1.00.  Children may wear pink, red or white.

Have a great weekend!



Math – p. 102

Spelling Test tomorrow- long u words

Study new vocabulary for the story Honey Bees.  It is very important that they know their words to succeed in reading.



Spelling – Unscramble long u words… Test on Friday

Math – p. 101

Wear regular winter uniform tomorrow not gym clothes.

Library book is due tomorrow.  You cannot take out another book unless you return yours.

100th Day of School will be celebrated on Monday, 2/12.  Posters due on Monday.

Remember to practice tying your shoes!


The 100th Day of School will be celebrated on Monday, 2/12 instead of Friday because school was closed yesterday.  Posters are due Monday.

Math – p. 100

Spelling – Write words 2 times Test will be on Friday.

Phonics – pp.203 – 204

Test folder signed and returned tomorrow…Please look at all pages of the reading test.  There are several grades for each test.  (v0cabulary and comprehension)

Valentine’s Day Card List was sent home today.

Gym tomorrow



Happy Sunday!!!!

Our 100th day of school will be celebrated on Friday, 2/9.  Posters will be due on that day.  Please do not send in sooner.  We do not have room in the classroom to store them. A letter was sent home several weeks ago with instructions.  Children will showcase their poster with a mini presentation.  Make sure the poster has a title on it.  Children will need to tell the class what their poster is, what material was used, who helped them….Children are to wear their uniforms on the 100th day.  It is not a TAG day.  We will celebrate 100 days of learning from morning to dismissal.  FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!

Thank you to all who have sent in their item for the 100th day snack.  If you received a letter and have not sent in your item yet, please do so by tomorrow.  I need it in advance to prepare for the big day!

Valentine’s Day will be celebrated on Tuesday, 2/ 13 instead of Wednesday, 2/14.  Wednesday is the first day of Lent and children will be receiving ashes and going to Mass.  On Tuesday, 2/13 we will have a small celebration and children may bring in Valentines to exchange with their friends.  I will send a list of names home during the week for their cards.

Shoe Tying – It is very important that children know how to tie their shoes.  Many shoes/sneakers have velcro or slip ons these days.  However, many shoes do not.  Tying shoes is a kindergarten skill yet many do not know how to tie their shoes in first grade and beyond. My fear is that your child is going to trip on their laces and fall down the school steps. They will get hurt. Therefore, I will start to test your child on this skill beginning Monday, 2/26.  They may use their own shoe or one I have.  I will do a few children a day.  Please work with them at home.

Thank you to all who donated to St. Jude’s and the Mercy House.  St. Jude’s Math – a- thon ends tomorrow if anyone still wants to donate.  Much appreciation!

It’s so nice to see the sun!!  Have a wonderful day!!!

Mrs. Mele


12 o’clock dismissal tomorrow  There is NO AFTERCARE.  Please be there at noon for pickup.

TAG Day tomorrow – $1.00  Wear a sports team shirt/jersey/sweatshirt.

St, Jude’s math – a – thon is going on until Feb. 5th.  Please donate to this cause if possible.


Math paper

Phonics paper

Teddy Bear Day is tomorrow – Wear pjs and bring a teddy bear.  Sneakers must be worn.

St, Jude’s is still going on.  Please donate if possible.



Phonics – Long o paper

Math – pp. 323 – 324 Workbook – p. 98

St. Jude’s Math – a – thon is ongoing… Please support if you can.

Mercy House items – Thank you for those who have already donated.

Gym tomorrow

Spelling Bee tomorrow – Good luck to Sophie & Aydin


 HAPPY CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK!  Due to so many activities this week, the schedule is not the same.  Therefore, the children are not getting new spelling words this week and will only have homework Monday – Wednesday.  ENJOY!

Math – p. 97

Reading – Study new vocabulary for Life in the Forest (study notebook)

Phonics – Complete long o paper.  Review all long o word parts found in study notebook.

Tomorrow we will be going to 9 o’clock mass.

Wednesday – 8:45 a.m. – Spelling Bee – Good luck Sophie and Aydin…Try your best!

Thursday – Teddy Bear Day – Wear pajamas and sneakers.  Bring in a teddy bear.  Buddy Day Activity with 8th grade.

Friday – TAG Day – $1.00 …Favorite sports team/person shirt… 12 o’clock dismissal…Volleyball game … NO AFTERCARE


Math – p. 96

Phonics –  Long o paper

Spelling Test tomorrow – Long o words

St. Jude’s Math – a – thon

Mercy House items

We are currently on day 89 in our countdown to 100.





Spelling – Long o – p. 270 Test Friday

Math – Solid figures   paper

St. Jude’s Math- a – thon…Register online

Mercy House items – Cereal/Oatmeal

CONGRATULATIONS to Aydin and Sophie.  They are our finalists for the Spelling Bee during Catholic Schools Week.  GREAT JOB!!!!



Math – p. 95

Language Arts/Spelling – pp. 279 – 280  Spelling Test will be on Friday (long o words)

Spelling Bee – We will have our finalist spelling bee in the classroom tomorrow.  Words can be found in your study notebook.  Good luck to all!

St. Jude’s Math-a-thon is going on.  You can register online.

Mercy House Donations – Cereal/oatmeal will be collected through Catholic Schools Week

Gym tomorrow

Library books need to be returned tomorrow.


Math – p. 94

Phonics – pp.  187 -188

Spelling – Write long o words 2 times in Spelling notebook.  Test will be Friday.

Catholic Schools Week – We are collecting cereal/oatmeal for the Mercy House to help those in need. A letter is in your child’s folder.

St. Jude’s Math – a- thon starts today.


Math – p. 93

Phonics – pp. 179 – 180

Spelling Test tomorrow – Long i words

St. Jude’s Math – a- thon was sent home today along with a math workbook.  Children may complete the booklet while raising money for this worthy cause.  If you choose not to do the math, you can still donate.  Donations over $60 will earn you a prize.  You can register online.  This fundraiser begins on Jan. 22nd and ends  Feb. 5th. Every contribution helps.

Pizza lunch is cancelled for tomorrow.  Pack a lunch for your child.


Math – p. 92

Spelling – Put words in ABC order ( spelling notebook)  Test Friday

Phonics – Long i paper  Review long i word parts in study notebook.


Spelling – Write first 5 words in sentences.  Complete in spelling notebook.  First word is done.  Underline the long i spelling word when you are finished with the sentence.  Please help your child spell a word if needed for their sentence.  Do not start every sentence with I.  Test on long i words will be Friday.

Math – shape/solid figure paper

Gym tomorrow

Spelling Bee words in study notebook –  A Spelling Bee will take place in the classroom next week to determine our finalists for Catholic Schools Week.


School will be closed tomorrow for the Tricky Tray and Monday, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.

A 100th Day letter was sent home today explaining how to do the poster and when we are celebrating.(Friday, 2/9)  Please read the information on the letter.  Feel free to email me with any questions.

Spelling words for next week are long i words.  They are as follows: like, ride, smile, time, white, bike, dime, hide, ice and kite.  Children have their notebooks in their folder if you want to begin studying with them.  The test will be on Friday, 1/19.

Spelling Bee words are in your child’s study notebook for Catholic School’s Week.

Please check your child’s pencil case for pencils, glue, scissors…

Thank you and enjoy the long weekend!


Mrs. Mele


Math – p. 78

Phonics — pp. 169 – 170

Study new vocabulary for The Big Circle

Spelling Bee words in study notebook



Math – p. 77

Phonic blend paper

Spelling Test tomorrow – Long a words

Spelling Bee – During Catholic Schools Week, the first grade will participate in a spelling bee. There will be 2 finalists from each class that will participate on stage at the bee.  Children have a 1st and 2nd grade spelling list in their study notebook.  Many of the 1st grade words can be sounded out but the 2nd grade words are harder.  After a few rounds of the 1st grade words, the 2nd grade words will be used.  The finalists will be chosen during the week of 1/21.  Try your best!

Stay safe during the storm tonight!


Math – p. 90

Phonics – pp. 161 -162

Spelling Test Wednesday – words in Spelling notebook – long a words

Test Folder signed – Keep all papers in folder…Please look at all pages of each test.  Each reading test has 2 grades.

Enjoy your evening!!!


Math – p. 89

Spelling – pp. 237 – 238

Phonics – Study long vowel rule – Review long a word parts found in study notebook.

12 o’clock dismissal tomorrow…TAG Day – $1.00  Aftercare open


Math paper

Spelling – Write words 2 times

Phonics – short vowel paper

Study new vocabulary for Who Works Here?

Friday,1/5 – 12 o’clock dismissal … TAG Day – $1.00…Aftercare is open.


HAPPY 2024!!!!  I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your children and loved ones.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your generosity during this Christmas season. I am so thankful for all my gifts, gift cards, class gift, drawings and well wishes.  You truly made me feel special and it is so greatly appreciated! Words cannot express my thanks to you.

Tomorrow is our first day back to school and I am requesting that you send your child in with the crayons and colored pencils I gave them for Christmas.  Also, please check their pencil cases and make sure they have sharpened pencils, glue and scissors.  It will be a nice way to start off the new year.

 This week is an exciting week for your children as they officially begin Spelling.  They will have a spelling notebook in which they will do their homework.  They will also be receiving a new homework notebook this week.  You will notice that the lines in these notebooks are smaller.  Please reinforce neatness and correct letter formation with your child.  Due to the fact that this is a short week, they will have their first official spelling test next week. 

Your child will also be learning the long vowel rule this week.  Please study with them.  Children need to know what makes a one syllable word short and what makes it long.  It will help them with their reading.  The rule will be put in their study notebook.  The children are also beginning a new math chapter this week – Geometry.  However, we will also continue to work on our addition and subtraction facts.

Test folders will be going home either later this week or the beginning of next week.  Please look through all the pages on the reading tests.  Most of the class does well on the first page of the test but some are beginning to have  difficulty on the comprehension section, especially the last page.  They need to understand what they read and go back into the story to find the answers.  Please review with them.

Friday, 1/5 is a 12 o’clock dismissal.  It is also a TAG Day for $1.00.  Aftercare will be open if you need to use it.

I thank you not only for my gifts but for the continued support you give me each day!  Wishing you a happy, healthy New Year!


Mrs. Mele


Christmas Show – 10 0’clock…Wear Christmas colors.  Children will be dismissed after the show.  There is NO aftercare tomorrow.

Children may bring in a light snack and water and have it before the show.  Please do not send anything that could ruin their outfit.

For Christmas, I bought each of the children new crayons, colored pencils and an activity book.  Please have them bring in the crayons and colored pencils when they return on January 2nd.  

Thank you so much to our class parents, (Mrs. Noble, Mrs. Rivera and Mr. Alexiou) for making our Christmas party a success.  They enjoyed doing the craft, eating the snacks and wearing their elf headbands.  Thank you to everyone who sent in extra goodies for the class.

Please have them bring their backpacks tomorrow so they can put all their crafts in them.

Enjoy your children at Christmas and over the break.  They are only young once so enjoy every minute!!

Have a blessed Christmas!!  

Mrs. Mele




Review the words for your Christmas songs found in study notebook

Ugly Sweater/Shirt Day tomorrow – If you don’t have one, please wear your uniform.

Christmas Show is 10 o’clock Thursday, 10/21.  Wear holiday outfits.  Children may leave after the show.



Math – p. 47

Phonics – Long a paper – Review sound – Do not mix up with short a.

Ugly Sweater Day is Wednesday, 12/20.

Christmas Show – Thursday, 12/ 21 at 10 o’clock in the gym. Children are to wear Christmas colors.  Children may go home after the show.  There is no after care on Thursday.  

Our Christmas party will be on Wednesday afternoon.  It will be too rushed to have it on Thursday.

Have a good night!!!


Math – fact family paper

Christmas Sing – a – Long – Review songs in study notebook…Some children still do not know the words for their songs.  All children are to wear Christmas colors on Thursday.  They are to wear a holiday outfit which has either red, green or both colors.  Girls need to wear flat shoes… no heels.  Headbands, hats, scarves, and necklaces are permitted.

Wednesday, 12/20 is Ugly Sweater Day – the uglyier…the better!

Pencil cases will go home tomorrow – Please make sure your child has the supplies needed and all pencils are sharpened.  

Thank You!

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Mrs. Mele



Reading – pp. 33 – 34    Study new vocabulary

Math – p. 45

Phonics – short vowel sentence paper


Math – p. 44

Reading – pp. 35 –  36

Short vowel review paper

Gym tomorrow

Santa Shop tomorrow – Please have your child bring in money if they are going to shop.  Please write names of those you want them to buy for or make sure they know.  Let them know if they can buy for themselves if they have extra money.

Thank You!



Math – fact family paper

Phonics – p. 148 Please write several sentences.  You may guide your child if needed.

Santa Shop – We will be going on Wednesday,12/13.

Reading – pp. 69 – 70