1B—Mrs. Mele




Math – p. 69

Language Arts – Contraction paper


Math – p. 68

Phonics pp. 257 – 258

Fact and opinion paper


Math – p. 69

Spelling test tomorrow – r controlled words (spelling notebook)

Spelling paper – ABC order

Gym tomorrow


Math – Expanded form paper

Spelling – p. 389  Test Wednesday

Phonics/Reading – pp. 377 – 378

The children learned about the solar eclipse today and we will finish up tomorrow.  Thank you to my class parents for the moon pies, Sunny D and glasses!!!!  The children really enjoyed the special snack.


Good morning,

I hope you had a nice spring break with your children despite the rainy weather.  The next few weeks will be very busy in the classroom as the children will be introduced to many new concepts.

We begin with the solar eclipse that is happening tomorrow.  The children will learn what it is and make a model to understand it more fully.  Mrs. Noble was kind enough to get the class special glasses.  The children will have them in their hand at dismissal.  If you would like your child to look up, please make sure they view it with the glasses on to protect their eyes.  Thank you Mrs. Noble!!!!

The spelling test on r controlled words will be given on Wednesday.  I gave the children their notebooks over spring break.

Please make sure your child has all their supplies tomorrow.  They need crayons, glue, sharpened pencils and scissors.  Although we are in our third trimester of first grade, I expect your children to continue trying their best.  They need to work neatly and carefully.  There is still a lot of school left.

On a different note, we will be going to Legoland in Westchester on Wednesday, May 22nd for our spring class trip.  Ms. Saldana and myself will be on the trip along with our class assistants.  The children, class assistants and teachers will be on the bus.  If you have Protecting God’s Children and want to meet us there, you are more than welcome.  However, please know that this is a class trip.  No younger siblings may attend and you may not take your child from the group/assistant they are assigned to.  You may walk along with the group your child is with.  There will be more information on the trip by early next week.

Enjoy the rest of the day and thank you for your continued support!

Mrs. Mele


Announcements THURSDAY, 3/28/2024

Spelling notebooks were sent home today if you want to study the r controlled words with your child over spring break.  Test will be given no sooner than Wednesday of the week we return.

Pencil cases were also sent home.  Please go through them, sharpen pencils and replace any items that your child may need.

Enjoy the week off with your children.  Have a safe and blessed Easter!!!


Mrs. Mele



Spelling Word Search

Study new vocabulary for I’m a Caterpillar (study notebook)

Math paper – addition and subtraction

Gym tomorrow

Thursday is a 12 o’clock dismissal – No aftercare

Free TAG Day on Thursday

Test folder signed


Math – p. 65

Spelling – Write words 2 times… Due to the difficulty of the words, the children will not be tested on these words until the week we come back from Easter break.  I will send their notebooks home over the break.  Test will be given toward the end of the week.

Thursday is a 12 o’clock dismissal.  There is no aftercare.  They all need to be picked up.  Thursday is also a free TAG Day.


Spelling Test tomorrow – ed words – doubling the consonant when needed

12 o’clock dismissal tomorrow – Aftercare open – Wear your uniform.  It is not a TAG Day.

Math – p.63

Phonics – R-controlled vowel paper – or

Raise Craze – There is still time to donate to this worthy cause.


Math – p. 62

Review contraction cards in envelope.

Raise Craze – Let’s go 1B!

Friday, 3/22 – 12 o’clock dismissal – Aftercare is open.

Spelling/Language – pp. 373 – 374 Spelling Test Friday

Library tomorrow – Please remember your book.



Math – p. 61

Phonics/Spelling – pp. 365 – 366  Test Friday

Scholastic News paper – Use Scholastic News to help you answer the questions.

Raise Craze continues!  Please support.



Math – p. 60

Phonics – r controlled ar paper

Spelling – Write words 2 times  Test will be on Friday

Raise Craze is all week –  Let’s go 1B!


TAG Day tomorrow – $1.00 -Wearing of the green for St. Patrick’s Day

Spelling Test tomorrow – es words (spelling notebook)

Math – p. 59

Study new vocabulary for story Frog & Toad

1B had fun with the leprechauns all week in the classroom.  Hopefully, these mischievous characters added a smile to your child’s week.  Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all!!!



Math – p. 58

Spelling – Write 5 words in sentences Test Friday

Language – verb paper

Raise Craze



Math – p. 81

Phonics – pp.209 – 210

Spelling – p. 387 Test Friday

Raise Craze

Gym Tomorrow


Raise Craze has begun!  Let’s go 1B!  Register for this worthy cause.  You can earn money for the school while doing acts of kindness.

Math Test tomorrow – I reviewed with the class and worked a bit on IXL.  Review the paper the children did in school.  They must know range, mode and median in order to do well on the test tomorrow. (Notes in study book)  I am also sending home the math workbook to review.(pp. 49 – 57)  There is no written homework.  Make sure children know tally charts, pictographs… They must also know whether to add or subtract if they see how many fewer or how many more.

Spelling – Write words 2 times

Phonics – Long and short e paper


Math – p. 57 Study word problem words in study notebook

Spelling Test tomorrow – Long e words

Raise Craze starts on Monday.  Raise money for Sacred Heart through acts of kindness. 

Reading – pp. 47 – 48



Study new vocabulary for story The Class Pet (study notebook)

Book Fair – I will take the children tomorrow.  Please have money in an envelope with the total on it.

Phonics – pp. 232 -233

Spelling/Language Arts – pp. 311 -312  Test Friday

Math – p. 56  Study key words for word problems.  These words will help the children know whether to add or subtract when doing word problems.  Study highlighted words only.




Math – addition and subtraction paper

Phonics – pp. 233- 234 Review long e words in study notebook

Spelling – Unscramble your words…Test Friday

Book Fair – Thursday, 3/7 is when 1B will be going. Send money in an envelope if you want your child to purchase a book.


Math – Children have notes on mode, range and median in their study notebook.  Please make sure they know how to find each of them in a group of data..  They were given homework to practice and will have a quiz tomorrow.

Spelling – Write words 2 times. Complete word search. Test Friday

Book Fair – I will take the children on Thursday, 3/7.


Test folder signed

Study new vocabulary for Ruby in Her Own Time (study notebook)  Words are difficult.

Compound words/Spelling pages – pp. 333 – 334

Phonics – Long e paper

Math subtraction paper

Library books need to be returned tomorrow.


Math Fact Family Paper

Spelling – Write 4 words in sentences  Test Friday

Gym tomorrow

Book Fair next week – See flyer in your child’s folder.


Math – p. 52

Phonics – pp. 225 – 226

Spelling – Write words 2 times…Test will be on Friday.


Math – p. 50

Reading/Spelling – pp. 317 – 318

Spelling test tomorrow on y as a vowel words

Shoe Tying – Some children have been tested already.  Others will be tested tomorrow or next week.


Math paper -Tally Marks

Spelling – Unscramble your words paper Test Friday

Study Y as a vowel rule found in study notebook.

Library tomorrow – Return your book.


Dear Parents,

Yesterday I sent home a paper pertaining to ABC Mouse.  It was to activate your free account.  Unfortunately, some children did not get get the correct activation code.  Therefore, I am sending home a new paper today.  Please use the code that your child received today and disregard the paper sent home yesterday.

ABC Mouse is an extension of learning just like IXL.  ENJOY!

Best regards,

Mrs. Mele


Math – p. 49

Spelling – Write words 2 times ( Y as a vowel) Test will be on Friday.

Phonics – pp. 217 – 218

Study new vocabulary for the story A Place to Play ( study notebook)

Gym tomorrow

Shoe Tying Challenge starts tomorrow.

Return library book tomorrow.


Good morning,

I hope you’re enjoying your break!!!

Here are a few reminders for the upcoming week:

Shoe Tying Challenge – I will begin testing your children on Wednesday.  They may use their own shoe or tie one of mine.  I will begin with the children who know how to tie their shoes and go on from there.  I only test about 3 children a day so some may not be tested until Monday or Tuesday of next week.  If they are successful, they will receive a certificate.  If not, they will need to continue practicing until they get it.  Remember this is for safety reasons.

Spelling – Children will receive new words tomorrow.  Even though it is a short week, the children will be tested on Friday.  They will also learn the y as a vowel rule.

We will also begin a new reading book this week.  Look in your child’s study notebook for the new vocabulary words.

We will also be beginning a new math chapter on data and graphs.

Beginning this Friday and throughout Lent, I will be taking your children to the Stations of the Cross at church. 

Please make sure your child has sharpened pencils and glue sticks to begin this busy week ahead.

Thank you for your continued support!!

Mrs. Mele


Math Test tomorrow –  Review papers sent home.  I reviewed with the children this afternoon.

Religion – Ash Wednesday paper

Phonics paper

Thank you for all my cards, candy and gifts.  It was so sweet of you and greatly appreciated!

Please check your child’s supplies over the weekend.  Many are without glue and sharpened pencils. Please replace them. Thank you to our class parents for supplying the children with a new box of crayons for Valentine’s Day.

There will be no school on Friday, 2/16 and Monday/ 2/ 19 due to Presidents’ Day Weekend!  ENJOY!


HAPPY 100th DAY of SCHOOL!!!  The class had a wonderful day!  In honor of this special day, I did not give any homework.  However, I told them that if they want a snow day tomorrow, there are 3 simple steps to follow.  They are:

1.  Wear their pajamas inside out.

2.  Put a spoon under their bed.

3.  Flush 1 ice cube down the toilet.

Think snow!  

Valentine’s Day will be celebrated tomorrow.  Children may wear red, white or pink.  It is a TAG Day for $1.00.   Bring cards in tomorrow.  If it snows, I will pass out the cards on Wednesday but that will be it.  Wednesday is the beginning of Lent.

Ash Wednesday – I will be taking the children over to Mass and for ashes.  Please let me know if you do not want your child to get ashes.

Shoe tying – Children will begin being tested the Wednesday after Presidents’ Day Weekend, 2/21.  Please work with your child if he/she does not know this skill.