5A—Ms. Klein



5A and 5B Reminders

BOOK FAIR – 5A and 5B students will visit the Book Fair this coming Monday, 10/16 during Social Studies class. Mrs. Miles will accompany them. Please remember to send money in with your child if you would like them to purchase books at the fair.

WINTER UNIFORMS – The wearing of winter uniforms will begin this Monday, 10/16. Students must wear school sweaters, not sweatshirts, with their winter uniform. Any sweatshirts or t-shirts with Sacred Heart School or SHS may only be worn on gym days for grades 5-7.  (This includes spirit wear) The exception is 8th grade. When they receive their graduation year sweatshirts, they may wear them with the winter and/or gym uniforms. All students must have black shoes or plain black sneakers with their winter uniform. It is not black and green, or black and purple… etc. All boys in grades 5-8 must have a red tie. If girls in grades 5-8 want to wear pants, they are dress pants. Black jeans, cargo pants, or tights are not permitted.

CHROMEBOOK COVERS – All students must have a carrying case or padded cover for their Chromebooks. If not, we reserve the right to keep their Chromebooks until they bring a cover. It is very important that students have a cover or case to protect their Chromebooks. As per the contract, it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to pay for any repairs or replacement if the Chromebook is damaged or destroyed.

TRICKY TRAY 5A CLASS THEME (Ms. Klein’s class) – Soup’s On!!  Please bring in one or more items of the following: canned soup, boxed soup, soup mugs, soup starters, cup-a-soup, soup crackers, soup bowls, noodles or soup pasta. All donations must be in by November 9th. Please do not send in expired or open packages, and do not put your child’s name on the items. Thank you!

TRICKY TRAY 5B CLASS THEME (Mrs. Miles’ class) – Terrific Teeth!! Please bring in one or more items of the following: toothbrush, dental floss, sugarless gum, toothpaste, mouthwash, fluoride rinse, breath mints. All donations must be in by November 9th. Please do not send in expired or open packages, and do not put your child’s name on the items. Thank you!

Grade 5 Reminders for Tomorrow

Tomorrow is a Tag Day – $1.00

Lunch orders are due by 9:00am

Early Dismissal – 12:00pm

Grade 5 MAP Testing

Dear Parents/Guardians:

5th grade MAP Testing is tomorrow and will include Math, Reading, ELA, and Science. Students should prepare by doing the following:

  • Get a good night’s sleep.
  • Have a good breakfast on Thursday morning.
  • Please be on time for school.
  • DO NOT LEAVE your Chromebook at home.
  • Make sure all Chromebooks are fully charged and ready for testing in the morning.
  • Bring Chromebook chargers to school.
  • Bring a snack and water.
  • Have something to do at your seat if a test is finished early.

MAP Testing – Grade 5

Dear Parents/Guardians:

5th grade MAP Testing is this Thursday and will include Math, Reading, ELA, and Science. Students should prepare by doing the following:

  • Get a good night’s sleep on Wednesday.
  • Have a good breakfast on Thursday morning.
  • Please be on time for school.
  • DO NOT LEAVE your Chromebook at home.
  • Make sure all Chromebooks are fully charged and ready for testing in the morning.
  • Bring Chromebook chargers to school.
  • Bring a snack and water.
  • Have something to do at your seat if a test is finished early.

Grades 5-8 Reading/Literature Quizzes

Grades 5A and 5B – Woof Quiz – Chapters 1 and 2 (Tue., 10/3)

Grade 6 – TLTWTW Quiz – Chapters 1-5 (Tue., 10/3)

Grade 7 – Freak the Mighty Quiz – Chapters 1-4 (Wed., 10/4)

Grade 8 – Literary Devices Quiz – (Thur., 10/5)

Junior High Reminders

All classes will begin reading novels on Monday, September 25th. Please make sure your child has the book for class.

Grade 5 – Woof

Grade 6 – The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe

Grade 7 – Freak the Mighty

Grade 8 – The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

Students were given their Chromebooks on Friday. Please make sure that they charge the Chromebook each and every day. Also, every Chromebook must be in a case to protect it. I have seen some students with a cover that comes with a strap. That’s an excellent idea because it is so much easier to transport during the day. There is less of a chance of dropping it while carrying books to each class.

Thank you.

Have a great weekend!

Grade 5 Reading – Frindle Vocabulary Quiz

FRIDAY – 9/22/23

Grades 5A and 5B – Vocabulary Quiz from the reading selection, Frindle

  • acquainted
  • assignment
  • essential
  • expanded
  • guaranteed
  • procedures
  • reputation
  • worshipped

Grades 5-8 Literature

All students in grades 5-8 Literature must sign into Google Classroom. Classroom codes were given out at the beginning of the week, so everyone should be able to sign in. This is homework and must be completed by tomorrow.

Friday’s Lunch

Please note that there is no hot lunch this Friday. Students must bring a lunch, snack, and drink. Going forward, please always check the Thursday folder for special lunches on Fridays. If there is nothing offered on a particular week, your child will need to bring lunch.

Good Morning!

This is just a test to see if my blog is now under my name for 5A.

Ms. Klein’s Blog Posts

My blog posts are coming through under Mrs. Rooney’s name. We are in the process of getting this straightened out. So, if you see a post under Mrs. Rooney’s name, it’s mine. Please open and read. Thank you!

Ms. Klein

5A – First Day!


We made it through a rather toasty day on the third floor. It was wonderful to finally meet everyone in my class! They did an excellent job  with all of the new information and rules that go with being in junior high. Everyone was given books and schedules along with assigned lockers. We spent some time practicing opening locks. I know that within the next week or two they’ll feel more confident and comfortable. I hope that everyone is excited to really jump into the new year… with some cooler weather, of course.

I would like to say a very special WELCOME to all of our new students. It was a pleasure meeting some of you today. I look forward to working with you this year.

STUDENT HOMEWORK: Practice opening your locks.

PARENT HOMEWORK: Fill out all of the required paperwork and return ASAP. If anything, I would like to have all of the emergency information filled out and turned in tomorrow. Thank you!

Ms. Klein

Calling All Stargazers and Moon Watchers


According to CNN, “On August 30th, a second full moon of the month will appear at the closest point to our planet this year making it an elusive super blue moon. It will reach its peak at 9:36 p.m. ET

And according to NASA, “It’s a rare occurrence: Super blue moons only appear every 10 years on average.”

Hopefully we’ll be able to see this tonight. Happy moon watching!

[Read more…]

8th Grade Yearbook

Just a few notes regarding the Class of 2024 yearbook….

  1. Start looking for any pictures of you and your classmates through the years and submit them to my email. Make sure your indicate in the subject line the person or event… for example, Girls Basketball
  2. Start thinking about whether you’d like to be part of the yearbook staff. We need two editors (reliable students who can dedicate time to the design and layout of the book), at least 2-4 photographers, and 2-4 general staff.
  3. Yearbook meetings will begin in October to decide on a design and plan the layout.
  4. You can either contact me by email, or let me know during the first full week of school if you’d like to be on staff.

Looking forward to working on making your yearbook something you can look back on and be proud of. See you soon!

Grades 5-8 Summer Reading

Well, yet another summer has flown by. It seems like yesterday that we all wished one another a wonderful summer break. With that being said, here is a reminder for all my Literature/Reading students….

In order to receive the extra credit grade for turning in your work, you must submit it to me by email before the first day of school. If you do not have access to email, or cannot submit it, please bring the work in on the first day. The due date for the assignment is our first class meeting on the first full week of school. However, if you wait until then you will not receive the extra credit grade. I have received quite a few assignments to my email, but there are still many more not turned in. Looking forward to seeing your work.

Ms. Klein

A Gentle Reminder… Junior High

I hope everyone is having a fun and restful summer break. This is just to remind grades 5-8 students that your summer reading assignment is due the first full week of school. Please see my blog posts of June 2nd and June 13th for instructions. Again, anyone who submits their work to me before the first day of school will receive extra credit. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me.

Supply List for 2023-2024

Here is the supply list for the school year 2023-2024. This way you can take advantage of all the sales!Supply list 2023-2024

Grades 5-8 Summer Reading

Dear Parents/Guardians:

At the beginning of June, I posted a Summer Reading assignment for grades 5-8. Students also received a printed copy. There seems to be some confusion as to whether or not this assignment is mandatory. The book for each class is required reading, and the assignments associated with the book will be graded. All work is due the first full week of school. If students turn in their work to me before the start of school, they will receive extra credit. A picture can be taken of the project, the document (written or typed) can be emailed to me at: jklein@sacredheartlynd.org

At the bottom of the Summer Reading posting, I listed the two required books for the 2023-2024 school year. The first is required by September 25th.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me.

Ms. Klein

Summer Resources – Grade 5 Reading

The attached document is for students in 5th grade this coming September.

2023-2024 School Year

SUMMER RESOURCES (Grade 5) – 2023-2024 (1)

Summer Resources – Grade 8 Literature

The attached document is for students in 8th grade this coming September.

2023-2024 School Year

SUMMER RESOURCES (Grade 8) – 2023-2024 (1)

Summer Resources – Grade 7 Literature

The attached document is for students in 7th grade this coming September.

2023-2024 School Year

SUMMER RESOURCES (Grade 7) – 2023-2024 (1)

Summer Resources – Grade 6 Literature

The attached document is for students in 6th grade this coming September.

2023-2024 School Year

SUMMER RESOURCES (Grade 6) – 2023-2024 (1)