Science Fair

The Science Fair is upon us!!!

Everyone should have chosen a Topic at this point and started their research.

Science fair will be the week of April 22nd

All work is done at home except the Display board, which will be done the week before.

Components of your Science Fair:

Research paper ( you must have works cited otherwise it will be counted as a ZERO) Wiki or Wikipedia is not allowed
Do not copy and paste
Minium pages : 3
font size 12
spacing no more than 1.5

Model: you may have help with a parent if there is building required
Pictures MUST be taken and presented with part of your fair display showing you and your group working on the model together ( can be a slide or actual mini album)

You must have an experiment that was conducted showing data collection (again pictures must be taken during the process)

Science Fair journal: it should be a small notebook with logs of the process from start to finish

Display Board: all components will be given at a later date and will be done in school ( you should have construction paper , glue sticks and any decoration you want available) We will provide the boards

2 weeks before you will be working with Mrs. Canal and Ms. Klein on the research and parts of the board information

For reference: Go on google classroom to find information and guidelines for each phase of the Science Fair (you do not have to print or hand those in. They serve as a reference

Thank You

I would like to extend a big Thank You to The Bordamonte’s for their thoughtfulness . Yesterday the food for the children was greatly appreciated as well as today, for the Faculty and Staff. Your generosity touched all of us 🙂

Also a big thank you to Mrs. Tramontozzi, the homemade treat was delightful and the gift for the entire faculty was really touching.

Thank you to all the families that thought of us while we celebrated Catholic Schools Week.

Student Appreciation

Tomorrow is a free dress down
In the afternoon, we will have some treats and watch a movie. Feel free to bring in board games too 🙂

Art Club make-up dates and February Fee

5-8th grade make up dates for the 2 missed sessions will be next Thursday and Wednesday, February 7th.

We are planning to enter their work in an Art contest that Ms. Ferrara gave forms to the children about. Further information will be posted

February fees are due.

Please keep in mind, the fee goes towards the purchase of Art materials, from paint, canvases, clay, etc. There were several students who did not submit for January. Ms.Klein and I are having a difficult time when this happens, since we need to purchase enough material for each student.

Moving forward, if the fee is not paid by the 2nd session of each month, they will not be able to attend until it is submitted.

Again, either Venmo @Angela-Vasil or cash with the child’s name on the envelope.

Thank you

Science Fair 2024 Grades 5-8

Parents and students,

This year our Science Fair will be on April 23, 2024

I have included all the sheets on google classroom.

Each week Mr. Puzio and I will inform the students which sheets are due. They do not have to be printed out, they may right the information in their Science Notebooks.

You either can work alone or with a partner. The biggest group will only be 4, no more.
Follow each step with your partner/s and submit what is due for each week on GC. I will not be accepting anything handed in
This week and next week:
Select a Topic
Develop a question
And Start “Research the topic” (this is not due this week)
A final report will be assigned for this as well, I will go over that later

This year I am requiring all groups to have a mini photo album of the process. Pictures should be them working on the model, experiment, etc. It can either be as a slide presentation or a physical photo album.

When we get closer to the date, the Display boards will be worked on in School, not at home… No exceptions.

Everything else will be done at home: model, experiment and research.

Map testing

Map testing will be conducted tomorrow for 6th grade.
Please make sure your child is on time since we will start promptly after mirning assembly

8th and 6th test postponed

8th grade test on the Skeletal system is postponed until January 19th

6th Grade Chapter 10 lesson 2 test is postponed until January 19th (study your workbook pages , quick checks and the ph scale diagram in your textbook.

7th Grade : All reviews are due tomorrow

Art club canceled

Due to predictions of icy weather Art club will be canceled today
We will figure out the 2 make up days soon

Art club canceled today

Due to weather predictions, Ms. Klein, Mrs. Durocher and myself have decided to cancel today’s session.
If you cannot pick up at dismissal your child will be sent to aftercare but not charged.
My apologies on this last minute change
Makeup class will be announced at a later date
Thank you for your patience

Student council meeting postponed

There will not be a meeting today.
My apologies on the last minute notice.

Our next meetimg will be on Jan 22nd, after school

Art Club fee and schedule

As noted in December, Art club days have slightly changed:

Tuesdays will be for 5-8th grades now

Wednesdays will be 3-4th

Art club starts next week

5-8th: 1/9, 1/16, 1/23, and 1/30

3-4th: 1/10, 1/17, 1/24 and 1/31

All fees are due this week. Either you can Venmo @ Angela-Vasil or send in cash in an envelope with your child’s name

Please send in fees this week so Ms. Klein and I can purchase enough materials

Thank You

I wanted to thank each and every family that were so generous with all the beautiful gifts, gift cards and treats. It was greatly appreciated.
Also a big shout out to 6a and the class parents:
Ms. Mays, Mrs. Uykan, Mrs. Corte and Mrs. Lores for the beautiful canvas bag and the most generous gift. Also, for the Wendy’s lunch. Honestly you all are the best!
Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year


Tomorrow is ugly sweater day…

Student council Christmas party after school:
If you like bring in a $10 gift for our Kris Kringle
Refreshments too

6th grade: our Christmas party is on Thursday.. you may bring in a $10 gift for our Kris Kringle

Student Council Announcements

I am very proud and happy to announce that our Candy guess fundraiser was a Big Success. We raised $247!!!!! This will allow us to make over 25 craft bags for the Ronald McDonald House.. If anyone would like to donate funds or crafts please feel free to send it in after our holiday break!
Thanks to all the officers and representatives that took the time each morning in making this a big success… Especially, our Treasurer, Elyse Cantillo and our Secretary, Isabella Lindo.

A special thank you to Miss Patty, who increased our sales by encouraging everyone that walked in the office to contribute!!

Today starts our door decorating contest judging… Winners will be announced Thursday Morning!

Don’t Forget about our Ugly Sweater contest on Wednesday!

Lastly, our Christmas party for Student Council will be after school on Wednesday. Please bring a $10 gift for our Kris Kringle grab bag. If you would like to bring in refreshments or a snack for the group, please do so. I am providing pizza for everyone !!!!
Pick up is at 3:45 in the back parking lot.

Thank you again for all that you do to support our School Community

6th grade

Monday honor cards and Map scores will be distributed. My apologies that they were not handed out today.