HSPT Class for Incoming Grade 8

Good Afternoon! Hope everyone is enjoying their summer break!

All parents of the incoming 8th grade class received a flyer several months ago regarding the class that Mrs. Canal and I will be hosting this summer to prepare students for the HSPT test in November. If you already signed up, feel free to stop reading! For those of you that did not sign your child up, there is still time! We have spots available for both the July and August sessions. The July dates are just around the corner. I’ve attached a copy of the flyer which has all the details. If you’d like sign up your child, please let me know as soon as possible in order to have the materials ready for all who will be joining us.

Thank you!

Mrs. Miles & Mrs. Canal


Thank You!

It’s hard to believe the school year came to an end yesterday! I wanted to take this time to thank all the students and parents for a great year. Thank you to all those that sent in end-of-the year gifts. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

A BIG THANK YOU to all my students and parents in 5B. I was truly blessed with such a wonderful homeroom class for my first year teaching at Sacred Heart. I want to give a little shoutout to my class moms: Mrs. Gaetano, Mrs. Hering, and Ms. Rodriguez. Thank you for all your time and hard work to make our class celebrations special.

I hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing summer. Enjoy all the extra time you get to spend together. I look forward to seeing everyone in September!

With much love,

Mrs. Miles


5th Grade LEAD Trip

The 5th grade LEAD trip to Bowlero in Wallington is on Wednesday, 5/22. Arrival and dismissal are the same as any other day. Students should come to school with their backpacks and chromebooks as they will be attending their first few classes before the bus comes to pick us up. Officer Mark Rivera will be delivering LEAD t-shirts for all the students tomorrow. They are to wear these shirts with the regular summer uniform shorts (not the gym shorts) on Wednesday. Lunch is being provided at the bowling alley. If you have any questions, please let me know!

5B Parents:
If you have not sent in the permission slip for Field Day, please do so tomorrow! I must have one for every child in order for them to attend.

LEAD Trip Tomorrow, 5/9

Tomorrow is our LEAD trip to the Lyndhurst Police Department. Officer Mark Rivera, fellow officers, Ms. Klein, and I will be walking with the students, if the weather permits. If it is raining, we will be driven in a town van.

All students should come to school as usual in their gym uniforms since it is Thursday. They will be attending their first few classes before we leave, so they need their books/chromebooks. We will dismiss at regular time.

Lunch is being provided by the police department.

If you have any questions, please let us know!

5A and 5B Map Testing

In addition to making sure Chromebooks are fully charged and ready for testing tomorrow, all students should get a good night’s sleep and be on time in the morning! Please bring the chargers to school, just in case. 

Students should also bring a book to read when they have completed each section.

Raise Craze Registration

The Raise Craze Acts of Kindness fundraiser began today! As of this afternoon, only two 5th graders had registered online/created their donation page. Please help your children complete this and then they can select 3-5 acts of kindness to complete for others. The monetary donations will help the school reach our goal of installing air conditioners in the classrooms, while the acts of kindness will help brighten the day of those around us. One small act can make a big difference!


Thank you in advance for your help and support!

Mrs. Miles

Grades 5-8 Quiz Bowl (Catholic School’s Week)

During Catholic School’s Week, a Quiz Bowl Competition is being held for grades 5-8 on Wednesday, January 31st at 1pm in the cafeteria. Students will be asked general trivia questions in the following 5 academic categories: Language Arts, Math, Religion, Science, and Social Studies.

As a result of the preliminary round held this past Wednesday, the 4 teams are made up of the following students:

Grade 8: David Agnew, Brandon Fraser, Leah Lemanowicz, and Soraya Yaseen (8A alternate is Alina LaPerle and 8B alternate is Connor Leddy)

Grade 7: Smiren Calderon, Liam Doffont, Richard Forero, and Partha Neethimangala (7A alternate is Lila Brown)

Grade 6: Warren Chao, Diego Jimenez-Aponte, Isabella Lindo, and Michael Sammartino (6A alternate is Maddox Glasgow)

Grade 5: Frank Hering, Leo Jeerattanid, Jonathan Malave, and Anthony Naviello (5A alternate is Hannah Mena and 5B alternate is Miah Castillo)

Congratulations to these students! We wish them the best of luck! We’re looking forward to having the rest of the students cheer on their classmates.

Parents are welcome to attend the Quiz Bowl as well. Please be aware that the students will take up most of the seating in the cafeteria, so it may be standing room only.

Have a wonderful weekend!

5th Grade MAP Test

Dear Parents/Guardians:

5th grade MAP Testing is tomorrow, 1/19 and will include Math, Reading, ELA, and Science. Students should prepare by doing the following:

Get a good night’s sleep.
Have a good breakfast.
Please be on time for school.
DO NOT LEAVE your Chromebook at home.
Make sure all Chromebooks are fully charged and ready for testing in the morning.
Bring Chromebook chargers to school.
Bring a snack and water.

Thank You!

Thank you to all my students and parents for the incredibly generous and thoughtful Christmas gifts! Your kindness means so much to me and has made this Christmas season all the more special. Words cannot describe my sincere gratitude.

Another big thank you to the 5B class moms (Mrs. Gaetano, Mrs. Hering, and Ms. Rodriguez) for the Krispy Kreme donuts and hot chocolate at our party yesterday, as well as arranging the string bag gift for all the 5th graders.

I pray that everyone has a wonderful holiday season filled with love, laughter, and all the blessings Christ can bring.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Stephanie Miles

5A and 5B Santa Shoppe – CORRECTION

Dear Parents and Guardians:

There has been a change to one of the days that the 5th grade will visit the Santa Shoppe. Grades 5A and 5B are now scheduled to go on Tuesday, 12/12 and Thursday, 12/14 (1:00-1:45 on both days). I will be taking both classes to the shop as they have class together and that is why we have scheduled two days. If your child does not get to go on Tuesday because we ran out of time, they will go on Thursday. However, please note that any student who visits the shop on Tuesday will not have an additional opportunity on Thursday. I will keep a list of the students who go in first on Tuesday and who need to go on Thursday. Please have any money for the shop in an envelope with the student’s name on the front. Thank you.

5th Grade Social Studies

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The 5th graders have gotten more comfortable with their daily routine as we’ve entered the second month of school. Unfortunately, this has resulted in some poor decisions in terms of behavior, such as constant talking during class and fooling around at their lockers.

Two days ago, it came to my attention that someone was using a laser pointer in Social Studies class. Most of the class saw it moving around the board, walls, and floor at random points, mainly when my back was turned. It then happened again yesterday, as well as today. I addressed this problem with them, as did Ms. Klein, Mrs. Durocher, and the security guard. It is extremely disruptive. Many students are completely distracted by it, because as soon as they see it once, it’s all they can talk about, making it hard for me to get through a lesson.

This problem started the same day I allowed all students to start taking notes on their Chromebooks during class. Until someone comes forward and admits it was them, students are no longer allowed to use their Chromebooks for note taking in Social Studies. They will go back to pen and paper. I advised the students to encourage their classmate to do the right thing and come forward so not everyone would have to be punished. Until then, this is the only solution.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at smiles@sacredheartlynd.org.



Mrs. Miles

Grade 5 MAP Testing

Dear Parents/Guardians:

5th grade MAP Testing is tomorrow and will include Math, Reading, ELA, and Science. Students should prepare by doing the following:

  • Get a good night’s sleep.
  • Have a good breakfast on Thursday morning.
  • Please be on time for school.
  • DO NOT LEAVE your Chromebook at home.
  • Make sure all Chromebooks are fully charged and ready for testing in the morning.
  • Bring Chromebook chargers to school.
  • Bring a snack and water.
  • Have something to do at your seat if a test is finished early.

Friday’s Lunch

Please note that there is no hot lunch tomorrow. Students must bring their lunch, snack, and drink. Going forward, please always check the Thursday folder for special pizza lunches on Fridays. If there is nothing offered on a particular week, your child will need to bring lunch.

Homework and Google Classroom Codes

5th Math: Workbook PW1, #1-12 and #15-20

6th Math: Worksheet (front & back)

8th Math: Workbook p. 3, #1-16

All homework is due tomorrow.


HW has also been posted on Google Classroom. Below are the codes for all my classes:

5th Math: kx2mixf

6th Math: rujed7j

7th Math: 6wjyxjr

8th Math: boltlij

5th Social Studies: jsmxnxa

5B Religion: 66x52vu

First Day of School


We had a great first day in 5B (even with the excessive heat)! It was wonderful meeting and getting to know the students in my class. Everyone received books, a class schedule, and a school-issued lock for the lockers. Students had time to practice opening the locks, as well as set up their lockers. Ms. Klein and I then went over classroom rules, procedures, and expectations with both 5th grade classes. Some students seemed a bit nervous/overwhelmed, but I’m confident they will start to feel more comfortable within the next few weeks. As I told my students many times, I am here to help them with whatever they need!

Students will have the opportunity to meet their other teachers tomorrow as we will be switching classes. They also have gym class tomorrow, so they need to wear their gym uniform!

Just a reminder: please fill out all required paperwork and send it in with your child ASAP, especially the Emergency Contact Form.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at smiles@sacredheartlynd.org.

I’m truly looking forward to having a wonderful school year!

Mrs. Miles