IXL Summer Work

I see that quite a few students have begun their summer work on IXL. Very wise decision to get started early and not wait until the last minute. Kudos to you all.  Keep up the good work!

IXL Summer Work – Jr. High

All incoming students from grades 5-8 have been assigned Math, Reading, and Language Arts IXL summer work based on their MAP testing scores. Students have been given instructions on how to access their individual learning plans. All students must complete the work and achieve an 85 SmartScore before moving on to each section.

Instructions with screen shots will be posted on the school website Summer Resource Center and Mrs. Durocher will also be sending this out via email. If you have any questions regarding the work, please contact Ms. Klein (jklein@sacredheartlynd.org) or Mrs. Miles (smiles@sacredheartlynd.org). Students will need their IXL usernames and passwords. Contact either one of us if your child cannot access IXL or has forgotten their password.

Mrs. Miles and I will be checking IXL periodically over the summer to ensure that students are completing the work. If a student has not begun any of the work by mid to end of July, an email will be sent to the parent. A grade will be recorded at the start of the school year in PowerSchool for this assignment.


It seems like the school year flies by so fast, and summer even faster. It’s been a great year, and I hope that you have a wonderful summer! Thank you to all of my students and parents for your end-of-year gifts. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. A big shout out goes to my 5A students and their many “surprises”. It’s been a great ride!

Many, many thanks to my class moms who offered their support and treats throughout the year. Mrs. Montague, Mrs. Naviello, Mrs. Lafuente, and Mrs. Taveras… we couldn’t have done this without you. We are all grateful for your time and hard work. So blessed.

Enjoy the summer. Get outside and enjoy all that summer offers. Rest and recharge with family and friends. Have a safe, healthy, and happy summer! See you in September.

Lots of Love,

Ms. Klein

Jr. High Locks

Dear Parents/Guardians:

I collected all of the student locks today, and placed them in individual bags with their names and combinations clearly written on the front. Any student who has not turned in a lock because they have taken it home may have to pay for a new one in September if they lose it this summer. If I have an available email address, I will let you know today. Please ask your son/daughter if they turned in their lock. If it is home, I would advise that the lock is returned to school for safe keeping. Thank you.

Ms. Klein

Grades 5-7 Locks

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Once we are ready to clean out lockers, I will be collecting the locks of students returning next year. They will be placed in a zip lock bag with their name and combination written on the front. In September, they will receive their lock back.  It is quite easy to lose things over the summer break, so I want to ensure that we have enough locks for the junior high. If your child is not returning, and would like to  take the lock home, please notify me via email. If not, I will forward the lock to another incoming student.  Thank you.

Ms. Klein

Grades 5-7 Exam Schedule and Chromebook Return Schedule


Mon., 6/3 – Reading/Literature and Religion

Tue., 6/4 – Science and Math

Wed., 6/5 – Social Studies and Language Arts


Chromebook Return

Grade 8 – Wed., May 29th at 1:45pm

Grades 5-7 – Wed., June 5th at 1:45pm

Thank You!

Many thanks to all of our 5A and 5B parents for supplying us with snacks and drinks for Field Day. A special thank you goes out to Mrs. Montague, Mrs. Tavares, Mrs. LaFuente, and Mrs. Naviello for spearheading the effort for 5B.
Also, Mrs. Perez, who ran out to the store so that we had tablecloths and napkins… thank you! Obviously, a team effort!


Grade 5 – Field Day Permission Slips

All Field Day permission slips must be in by Tue., 5/21 (tomorrow).

Last Friday, I printed out the permission slip and gave one to each student in my class.

5A and 5B Parents – Please Read

May 17, 2024

Dear 5th grade parents,

We are saddened by the untimely passing of Jaime Mena, father of
Hanna Mena in our 5 th grade class.

As a Catholic school, whose mission includes uniting to support our
community, we would like to collect donations on behalf of our 5th
grade families, to support the Mena family.

If you would like to contribute, please send in your donation in a sealed
envelope addressed to:

Rita Naviello-5A by Wednesday, May 22 nd

You may also choose to Venmo your donation to @ Rita-Naviello

You need not include your child’s name nor amount on the envelope.

Thank you for your generosity and support for the Mena family, and
please continue to pray that they may find peace and comfort during this
most difficult time.


5th grade class parents

Field Day Permission Slips

Dear Parents/Guardians:

All students must return the Field Day permission slip no later than Tuesday, 5/22. The form is available via Mrs. Durocher’s email of May 14th. No student will be allowed to attend Field Day without a signed permission slip. Thank you.

Ms. Klein

Many Thanks!

I would like to say a heartfelt thank you to all of our 5A parents (Mrs. Montague, Mrs. Tavares, Mrs. LaFuente, Mrs. Naviello, Mrs. Sergi, and Mrs. Chavan) for making our class trip such a success!
Because of your enthusiasm and dedication, the students had a wonderful time.

A huge thank you goes out to Mrs. Vasil for organizing the trip and ensuring everything ran smoothly.

Thank you to everyone who helped out from grades 5-8. Please know it is much appreciated.

5A and 5B MAP Testing Reminder



Grades 5 and 6 MAP Testing

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Grades 5 and 6 will be testing tomorrow. Please get a good night’s sleep, eat breakfast, and bring a snack (preferably something healthy). Do your very best to be on time for school as we begin the tests promptly at 8:15am. Thank you!

Grade 5A and 5B – Important Dates

Please note the following dates:

MAP Testing – Wed., 5/1

Grades 5-8 Field Trip – Tue., 5/7

L.E.A.D. LPD Field Trip – Thur., 5/9

Progress Reports – Fri., 5/10

May Crowning – Thur., 5/16

Honors Breakfast – Tue., 5/21

L.E.A.D. Bowling Trip – Wed., 5/22

Field Day – Thur., 5/23

No School – Fri., 5/24 and Mon., 5/27

EXAMS – Grades 5-7     (Lit./Rel. – Tue., 6/4)   (Sci./Math – Wed., 6/5)   (Soc. Studies/LA – Mon., 6/10)

No School – Fri., 6/7


Final Yearbook Pictures

Student Council – President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer – Friday, April 12th

Cross Country and Track – Tuesday, April 16th

8th Grade Hall of Fame – Monday, April 15th / Tuesday, April 16th / Wednesday, April 17th

Altar Servers – After school Mass on Thursday, April 18th