6A—Mrs. Vasil



Map Testing

6th grade will be Map testing tomorrow promptly at 8:15.
Please make sure your child is on time

October Art Club Fee

October art club fee is due the end if this week
Again, any student not paid up for September will not be able to attend October.
Ms.Kline and I purchase supplies based on how many students are paid for that month

Eithe send cash in an envelope with your child’s name and grade or
Venmo or cashapp with your child’s name and grade on the notes

7th grade Religion & 6th grade Religion

7th grade:
Due Tomorrow: Most has been completed in class
Read pages 22-25 Summarize
Read pages 28-33 Summarize
Page 26 must be completed and handed in
Page 34 must be completed and handed in
Completed family tree

Test on Monday, Sept 25
Sessions 1-5
Study vocabulary and each section (will review tomorrow)

6th grade:
Finish your family tree
Read pages 34-37
Do activity on page 37
Read pages 38-39
Complete activity on page 39
Pages 40-42 due on Monday


8th grade:
Due : Monday, Sept 25th Section 2 Review 1-6 (quiz grade)
Due: Friday, Sept 29th – pg. 544 1-18 questions and answers (test grade)
545: 19, 20, 21,23,24,25,26 and applying Math answers only(test grade)
pg. 546 1-11 questions and answers (test grade)
pg. 547: 12, 13, 14,15,16,17,20,23,24 answers only (test grade)

6th Grade:
Lesson 2 workbook pages, 209-212 and section quick checks and review due on Monday

7th grade:
Due September 22
Section 2-3 review
Section 3 summary
Section 2-3 reading checks

Due September 29
Chapter 4 review (test grade)
pages; 112 (1-15) questions and answers
113- (16-20) answers only and applying Math
114- 1-9 questions and answers
115- 1-25 answers only

Oct 2: Chapter 4 test
Study all section reviews, reading checks and vocabulary

8th grade Parents/Students

Please find the recommendation form that I require before providing a recommendation to their selected school/s

Please keep in mind that any request MUST be made no less than 2 weeks prior, NO EXCEPTIONS. I say this because there are times I have over 75 to 100 recommendations to do and many high schools require them around the Holidays.
Any questions please feel free to contact me.

Teacher recommendation form

Homework and Announcements

6th grade homeroom:
Please send in all the required forms ASAP, especially the emergency form

7th Science: reading checks and section 1 review due Friday
Typed or handwritten… you may hand in or submit on gc

6th Science: quick checks and workbook pages for chapter 9 lesson 1. Due friday

8th Science: reading checks and section 1 review due Friday
Typed or handwritten… you may hand in or submit on gc

Reminder: Art club

Art club starts this week.
Tuesdays: 5-6th
Wednesdays: 3rd-4th
Thursdays: 7th-8th

Fee: 25 per month in cash, venmo or cashapp
Send in the forms asap

7th grade Religion GC code correction

My apologies I gave the wrong code for Google Classroom regarding 7th Grade Religion

Here is the correct code: ah2jwdh

Art Club

Please fill out the registration form and send in with payment $25

Art club will start next week

Tuesdays: 5th-6th

Wed: 3rd- 4th

Thursdays: 7th-8th

art club permission slip 23

Welcome Back

Welcome Back…


6-8th Science: please bring in all of your supplies by Monday.
Lab fee is due by this Friday, $20 (cash in an envelope with your Child’s name and grade) Every child MUST submit this so I can order supplies for the lab and get started with some exciting experiments 🙂

6-7th Religion: please make sure you have a journal for class

Homeroom: All homeroom supplies is due by Monday
All office forms must be completed ASAP. Go on the Thursday folder to obtain these.

Google Classroom Codes: Please join as soon as you can

6th Religion: zai5tux

7th Religion : ahzjwdh

6th Science: 5j544e6

7th Science: gstkvax

8th Science: dnwuwcd

Art Club

Art Club registration is provided here: Please fill out and return with payment ASAP… Our first week will be on Sept 12 (5&6th), Sept 13th ( 3rd -4th) , Sept 14th ( 7&8th) from 2:45 until 3:30

Cost is the same $25 per month… some months will be less due to holiday breaks.
This year we will NOT be accepting any personal checks, under no circumstance..
There are several ways to pay:
Venmo @Angela-Vasil ( please put in notes name of child and month )
Cashapp $AngelaVasil (same as above)
Cash in an envelope (must be handed to Mrs. Vasil and a receipt will be given )
Or a money order made out to Angela Vasil

Please note that both Ms.Klein and I purchase supplies based on the number of students signed up so this year if any student isn’t signed up starting Oct, and paid in full before the first class, they will not be able to attend until paid.

For September payment can be made the week of the 11th since it’s the start of school..
Following after that, all payments must be made the week before the new month begins..

This program is a very popular program and we need to make sure we have enough seats as well as supplies.

art club permission slip 23

If your child is absent , they will be given the supplies purchased but no refund will be issued.

Supply list, fees and more!!!!

Yes it’s time… Back to School is a week away 🙂

Please find supply list for the upcoming school year

* Remember to send your child in with the lab fee $20 .. Please put it in an envelope with your child’s name and grade.
This fee will cover all supplies throughout the year for their Science Classes.

* All class and homeroom supplies should be sent in ASAP the first 2 weeks of school.

Supply-list-2023-2024.docx copy