1B—Mrs. Mele




Good afternoon,

I cannot believe that we are 2 days away from the last day of school.  Where did the year  go?  I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for allowing me to be part of your child’s life this year.  Each one of them is special with their own gifts and talents to share.  They have worked hard and are now ready to move on.  I would like to thank you again for your generous gifts and support throughout the entire year.  It means the world to me!  When the school and home work together, we have success!  Thank you for being such a wonderful group of parents!

Thursday is our last day and dismissal is at 10:30.  There is no aftercare so please be there for your child at that time.  It is a free TAG day.  Please let me know by tomorrow if your child will be in school on Thursday.   I want to make sure they have all their belongings if they don’t come in.  I don’t want items to end up in the garbage.  I cannot hold on to items until September. All classrooms need to be cleaned out for the summer work to begin..

Our end of year celebration will be tomorrow.  We will be enjoying snow cones, cupcakes and goldfish. Thank you to my class parents(Mrs. Noble, Mrs. Rivera and Mr. & Mrs. Alexiou) for making each of our celebrations this year a huge success.  They made my life so much easier and were always willing to help.  You will ALL be missed!  A quick shout out to to Mrs. Amaral for providing us with the snow cones tomorrow!!!  I no longer have her children but she always includes me!  I am so grateful!!!!

This summer your children will be given work on IXL to complete.  A letter went home today explaining the assignment.  Please look in your child’s folder and put the letter in a safe place.  If you do not have your child’s username and password, let me know by Thursday.  Your child’s study notebook is also a good resource for review.

As the children walk out my door on Thursday, I want you to know that I am still there for them. I will miss them and want them to visit me.  There will never be another 1B class as the children will be split in September. I was the lucky one this year!  What a wonderful group of children they are and it was my privilege to teach them.   If you need anything at any time, please don’t hesitate to ask. Reach out and I will definitely get back to you!!

Rest, relax and have fun with your children over the next few months!  It is time to unwind!!!!



Mrs. Mele



Good evening,

Children will receive summer work on IXL to practice what they learned in 1st grade to prepare for 2nd.  I am sending a detailed letter home tomorrow on your child’s assignments.  If you have any questions pertaining to the letter, please let me know.

Thanks so much!!!

L. Mele


Phonics – pp. 205 – 206

Math – p. 118 and inch measurement paper

Gym tomorrow

Thursday – 10:30 dismissal No aftercare

Friday – No school

Enjoy the weekend!!


Math – p.124

Phonics –  pp. 331 -332

Test Folder signed and returned tomorrow.

REMINDERS –  Thursday is a 10:30 dismissal and there is no school on Friday.  There is no aftercare on Thursday.  Please be at school to pick up your child. at 10:30.  Thank You!


Spelling Test tomorrow on compound words found in spelling notebook.

Phonics – pp. 325 – 326

Math Test paper on money.  This is not a test but a homework assignment.  This is what the children were introduced to in class.  They will be doing much more money in second grade.  You can work on coin combinations over the summer.  The more they practice, the better they get.  Do not exceed $1.00 at this time.


Math – p. 107  Review money combinations.

Spelling paper – Test Friday on compound words


Math – p. 106   Review coins and value of each coins ( IXL helps)

Spelling/Language – pp. 487 – 488  Spelling Test on Friday(compound words)

Gym tomorrow

Library books due tomorrow


Math – p. 105  IXL is good for practicing money. (pennies, nickels, and dimes)

Spelling – Unscramble words – Test Friday, 5/31

Study new vocabulary for Peter’s Chair (study notebook)

Homework is not due until Tuesday, 5/28.

Field Trip   1. Come to school at regular time.

2.  Wear spring uniform and sneakers.

3.  Bring 2 disposable bags – One with drink and snack.  The other with drink                                      and lunch.

4.  Do NOT bring your backpack tomorrow.

5.   We plan to be back for regular dismissal.

6.    Good manners at Legoland and on the bus.

I will send reminders for Field Day tomorrow after our trip.


Mrs. Mele



Math – p. 104

Spelling – Write words 1 time…Test will be Friday, May 31st. 

Phonics – pp. 305 – 306

Field Trip – Wednesday, 5/22


Exciting Week for Grade 1B!

Class Field Trip is Wednesday, 5/22 to Legoland.  Remember Legoland is cash free.  Therefore, if you would like your child to purchase something from the gift shop, have them bring a gift card tomorrow. There is tax so include that in the amount.  If you are a parent attending the trip, you can use your credit/debit card at the gift shop.  Please refer to the letter sent home last week that included instructions for the day,

Field Day is Thursday, 5/23 from 8 – 12 at the park.  Children will be given a snack and ice cream.  There is no lunch or aftercare.  You must pick up your child at 12 o’clock.  Please be there for them.  If you have not sent in the permission slip, please do so or they cannot attend.

Email me with any questions.


Mrs. Mele



Spelling Test tomorrow – ie and igh words

Math time paper

Field Day permission slips

Gift cards for Legoland due on Monday.  This will help with the organization of the trip.

Thank You!


Math – p. 114…Complete paper…  Quiz on time to the hour and half hour tomorrow…IXL is a good resource for study… A paper was also put in their study notebook to review.

Spelling – p. 469  Test on Friday

Library books due tomorrow

Return field day permission forms found in an email Mrs. Durocher sent yesterday.


Math – Time papers Practice time to the hour and half hour.  Use IXL to practice.

Phonics/Spelling – pp. 461 -462

Synonym paper

Gym tomorrow

Field Trip – A paper was sent home today with information on what your child needs for the trip.  Please keep it in a safe place.  If you have any questions, please email me.


Math – p.112

Study new vocabulary for A Southern Ranch (study notebook)

Spelling – Write words 2 times neatly…Test Friday


Math – p. 83

Spelling test tomorrow – oa and ow words

I would like to thank everyone for the generous gift that was given to me today for teacher appreciation. The book is a priceless keepsake and the gift cards were over the top.  I cannot express my gratitude for your kindness and generosity.  It is so greatly appreciated!!!  Thank you for your continued support and communication.  It helps me to help your child.  As a team, we are making great things happen!

I will not be at school tomorrow so I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Mother’s Day!  Your love for your child is shown everyday in the classroom.  You make sure their homework is done, notebook signed and snacks/lunches packed, along with a hundred other things you do for them.  They are prepared and this is because of you!!  As a mother of 3 daughters, I can tell you that being a mom is the hardest job on the planet.  I can also say it is the most rewarding.  My girls are my greatest accomplishment and I can see that your children are your treasure.  Enjoy this special day and know your children love you so very much.

Some of the children will be coming home with a progress report/ update tomorrow.  Please sign it and return in the envelope on Monday.  All children, whether they get a progress report or not, need to continue to put forth their best effort with their homework/classwork.  Listening skills, neatness and following directions need to be followed at all times.  Some are not putting forth the effort in penmanship/quality of work.

Class trip money is due on Monday.  More information pertaining to the class trip will be sent home during the week.

See you on Monday!!

Mrs. Mele



Math – p. 85

Spelling – Unscramble the spelling words Test Friday oa. ow words

Phonics – pp. 283 – 284

Library books due tomorrow.


Math – double digit subtraction paper

Spelling / Reading – pp. 445 – 446

Spelling Test Friday

Gym tomorrow

Review vocabulary if your child does not know the words for A Trip to Washington


Math – double digit subtraction paper Color neatly

Study new vocabulary for A Trip to Washington, D.C. (study notebook)

Spelling – Write words 2 times  Test will be Friday.


Math – double digit addition paper  Children need to follow the steps I taught them.

Phonics/ Reading – pp. 425 -426

Spelling Test tomorrow on ea words (spelling notebook)

Class Trip money for those who haven’t paid is due by Monday, 5/13. 

Candy money is due.

Tomorrow is a 12 o’clock dismissal.  Aftercare is open.


Spelling/Language – pp. 439 – 440   Spelling Test Friday

Phonics – Blend paper

Math – p. 82

Friday is a 12 o’clock dismissal and TAG Day $1.00  Aftercare open

Candy money is due.





Math Test tomorrow – Study 2 papers that were sent home today.  Questions will be similar on the test.  Children need to know how to count by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.  They also need to know how to estimate, tens & ones, greater than, less than, odd/even numbers, value of the digits, 10 more and ten less, problem solving and expanded form.  Again, examples of these problems are on the papers I sent home today.  There is also a paper that is in the test folder that can be reviewed.  I also reviewed with the class today.

Spelling – Unscramble your words in the spelling notebook.  Test is Friday.

Study new vocabulary in study notebook for story Cinderella.

Gym tomorrow

Candy money is due.

Test folder signed and returned tomorrow.

Library book due tomorrow.


Math – p. 76

Spelling – Write ea words 2 times.  Test Friday

Phonics – s blend paper

TAG Day – Friday, 5/3 – $1.00

Friday, 5/3 -12 o’clock dismissal…Aftercare open



Math – Counting by 2’s and 5’s papers

Spelling Test tomorrow – ay and ai words

Reader’s & Writer’s Notebook – pp. 423 -424

Gianna’s birthday is tomorrow.  Pizza will be served.

No school on Friday.

HOMEWORK 4/23/2024

Math – p. 74  Practice counting by 2’s, 5’s & 10’s.

Spelling – Complete paper… If your child will not be in school on Thursday (Take your child to work day), let me know if they will be taking the test tomorrow or Monday.  The spelling words are on their homework paper.  All others will take the test on Thursday.

Professional Day is on Friday…NO SCHOOL.


Math – p. 73  Practice counting by 5’s.

Spelling – ai, ay words Write words 2 times… Test Thursday

Study new vocabulary for Mama’s Birthday Present ( study notebook)

Pizza will be supplied on Thursday at lunch for Gianna’s birthday.  Bring your own lunch if you don’t want pizza.

No school on Friday – Professional day for teachers



Thursday, April 25th is Gianna’s birthday.  Her parents will be supplying pizza at lunch for the class.  If your child wants pizza on that day, you do not need to send in lunch.  If they do not want the pizza, they must eat their own lunch.  Thank you. Gianna!

Friday, 4/26 is a professinal day for teachers.  School will be closed.

Spelling Test will be on Thursday, 4/25 since there is no school on Friday.  The words this week are ai and ay words.  They are : train, way, tail, play, day, may, rain, gray. mail and afraid.

Enjoy the rest of the day!!

Mrs. Mele



Math – odd and even paper

Spelling/Contractions – pp. 407 – 408

Spelling Test tomorrow er and est  words (words on p. 407)



Math – p. 72

Spelling/ Contractions –  pp. 407 – 408

Blend paper

Class Trip  permission slip was sent home.  More details to follow.

Library books due tomorrow.


Math – p. 71

Spelling – Write first 5 words in sentences  Test Friday

Phonics – blend paper

Gym tomorrow

Return library book


Math – Subtraction paper

Spelling – Write words 2 times … Test Friday

Phonics – Blend paper