Reminders and Google Classroom Class Codes

It’s almost here!!!! Back to School 🙂

Excited for all to see how the Lab looks.. I worked very hard during the summer to create a more functional Lab as well as 6A’s new homeroom …

Just a few reminders: Lab fee $25 is due the first week of school so that I can order all the necessary materials for the year. This is to ensure that no-one needs to purchase anything during the school year, with exception of our Annual Science Fair.
Please make sure it is either cash (with child’s name and grade in an envelope ) or Venmo @Angela-Vasil (put in notes your child’s name and grade)

Look over supply list and try to have all necessary supplies and school forms in ASAP.

Here are the Google Classroom Codes for each grade (please join ASAP)

6th Grade Homeroom: (6a you will need to wait until you find out if you are in my homeroom )

invite link:

5th Grade Science: pjxnv3a

invite link:

6th Grade Science: kavmcqa

invite link:

7th Grade Science: mlnct47

invite link:

8th Grade Science: ihytvrp

invite link: