Good afternoon,

Updates were sent home on Friday in an envelope.  The purpose of the update is to tell you how your child is doing at this point.  It is not your child’s report card.  There is time for improvement and in some cases there may be a decline in grades when the trimester is completed.  Please sign the update and put it back in the envelope so I can reuse it.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding the update, please reach out.

Pencil cases were sent home on Friday.  Please look through them and sharpen your child’s pencils.  Some children are missing crayons.  Please replace them.  I have spoken to the class about taking care of the supplies you have purchased for them.  It becomes difficult to complete an assignment if they do not have the correct supplies.

D.E.A.R. time – Please make sure your child remembers to bring in a book to read.  I like giving them 15 minutes per day to do this.

Thank you to all who have contributed and help make the Book-a-thon a success.  The love of reading is instilled at a very young age.

Thank you to those who have sent in a cake baking item for our class tricky tray basket.  There is still time to buy an item if you have not done so.

Enjoy the rest of the day!

Mrs. Mele