5B-Mrs. Ferrara



5B Information

Just a few reminders…….
Tomorrow is the last day for Basketball registration. I had a lot of inquiries in homeroom this morning. You can find the link for registration in the Thursday folder.   All registration is done ON LINE.

Tomorrow is the Trunk or Treat. If you paid for a wristband they are in your students folder. If you still need a wristband, the form is in the Thursday folder as well. You can also purchase tickets at the door.

I have had a black fleece jacket in the homeroom closet since Monday. They all claim it is not theirs…..if your student is missing a fleece I have it.

HSA Shoe Drive is Friday 11/1 in the SHS parking lot…..no ice skates, roller skates or shoes with holes will be accepted

Read-a-thon kickoff is 11/4…..please sign up to participate

Our Halloween celebration is Thursday. Pizza and drinks for lunch. If your student does not want pizza, please let me know so I can forward the info to our class moms. If they are not eating pizza they need to bring lunch. The Halloween parade is at 1:00. Students can wear school appropriate costumes to school, no masks, no weapons. We will be having classes in the morning.

Have a great weekend

Dismissal Information

Good Evening…..I just want to clear up any questions about student dismissal. ALL students must be picked up on SHS property. Students CANNOT walk off the school campus to get picked up on the corner or across the street…….this is a safety issue. I will wait outside the door for a few minutes with the students, after that they will be sent down to aftercare and you will have to pick them up there. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation

5B Update

Good Morning……
Tuesdays school mass has been changed to 8:30

Regardless of the weather, students are to wear their winter uniforms now. I realize it is going to be warm this week but students CANNOT wear shorts anymore until the Spring

There is a student in our 5B homeroom that has peanut/nut allergies.    I ask that you do not send any treats for the class that contain peanuts/nuts

Thank you
Enjoy this beautiful day

5B Information for the week of 10/25

Monday October 21: 5B will be meeting or Buddies in 2A for some spookily fun
Tuesday October 22: 9:00 National Junior Honor Society Induction Mass
Wednesday October 23: last day for ordering pizza for Friday 10/25
Friday October 25: Pizza lunch and HSA Trunk or Treat 7:00pm. For tickets, see flyer in the Thursday folder

Upcoming events: Thursday October 31 HALLOWEEN
Students wear school appropriate costumes to school, no masks or weapons. We WILL have classes is the morning. Our amazing class mothers will be providing pizza and drinks at lunchtime. Halloween parade at 1:00 pm
If your student will not be here on Halloween or does not want pizza for lunch, please let me know so I can forward that information to our class mothers. Also, PLEASE let me know if anyone has any food allergies/intolerances so that we can plan accordingly.

IMPORTANT……we received our locks for our lockers on Friday. Please take some time this weekend to have them practice opening them by themselves. I will be checking that they can on Monday morning. If they cannot open the lock by themselves, they will not be permitted to use the lock until they can do so. They all seemed to have gotten the hang of it on Friday but can always use some extra practice time.

Enjoy the rest of this beautiful weekend

Reminders for the week of 10/18

There will be no school tomorrow, Wednesday October 16
Winter uniforms started today, this includes gym……no one should be wearing shorts. Conduct referrals will be written for those students that are not in proper winter uniforms. Please refer to the handbook if you have any questions
The temperature is dropping…….students will still be going outside for recess. Please be sure that your student has a jacket/sweater/sweatshirt with them.

Enjoy your week

5B Reminders

Happy Friday all…….just a few reminders for the upcoming week(s);

Monday 10/7  5B will be going to the Book Fair
Monday 10/14. NO SCHOOL. Columbus Day
Wednesday 10/16. NO SCHOOL Teacher Professional Day

Enjoy your weekend

Food Allergies and Sensitivities

Good Morning……With Halloween quickly approaching I need to know if any of my students have any food allergies or sensitivities. As the mother of a Gluten free daughter and a peanut/nut allergy daughter, I take food allergies very seriously.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation

5B Information

Good Afternoon…….
We completed our Fall Map Growth Testing today!!!!!
Friday, October 4th is a Half Day….12:00 Dismissal, it is also a $1.00 Tag Day. Please be sure to dress school appropriate. Shorts should be an appropriate length and shirts should not expose midriffs. Aftercare will be available……if students will be attending Aftercare they need to bring lunch.
5B will be going to the Scholastic Book Fair on Monday Oct 7th.   If students wish to purchase books, please be sure to send them in with money on Monday.

Enjoy the rest of your week

Upcoming Events for the week of 9/30

Monday 9/30 All students in Grades 5-8 will be doing Map Growth Testing.
Please be sure all Chromebooks are fully charged and all system updates are current.
Pack a good snack and bring a book to read

Wednesday 10/2 School Mass 9:00 am

Friday 10/4 12:00 Dismissal Aftercare will be available

Forms, Forms and more Forms

Good Morning……………
We have 2 additional forms that need to be signed and returned to me by Friday the latest
1. The Parent/Student Handbook Acknowledgement that Mrs. Durocher emailed everyone on Monday
2. The Jr. High Code of Conduct form that was handed out and discussed at last nights meeting.
If you were not at the meeting last night, please review the Jr. High conduct form, it has some very important information that you, as Jr. High parents, need to know.  This form is in addition to the Code of Conduct form you signed last week.
I am sending copies of both forms home to those who have not handed them back to me, please send them back by Friday.

Have a great day

5B Important Information

Good Afternoon…….we have a very busy week this week
Tomorrow evening is our Back to School Night at 7pm. This is for adults only, no students. Parents will meet in the gym for a brief meeting with Mrs. Durocher and then all Jr High parents will meet in the cafeteria for a general meeting with the Jr. High teachers. The meeting will be brief so that you can get to the elementary classrooms for your other children. There will be no visitation to the Jr. High classrooms.

Mrs. Durocher sent an additional document that needs to be signed and sent back to school asap

Please, Please, Please check the 5B Homeroom page in Google Classroom with your child for this weeks test schedule….there are tests everyday this week

See everyone tomorrow

5B Information

Good Afternoon…….some important reminders:

There is NO PIZZA lunch or hot lunch tomorrow…..students must bring lunch from home. Pizza Fridays will start next week 9/20. Check the Thursday folder for the order form.
Back to School night is Tuesday 9/17 for adults only, no students should attend, there will be NO childcare. 7 pm
Chromebooks will be given out tomorrow. Students must have the correct 15″ padded chromebook case with a strap in order to receive their chromebook.
Please be sure to check the Thursday folder for other school related information

Enjoy the rest of your day


Please check that your son/daughter has the correct phone….. one if the students phone was missing from the basket at dismissal. Please let me know if you have it so I can notify the parent…… thank you

5B Information

Good Morning……..Mrs. Gomez will be giving chromebooks out on Friday to those students that have returned the 3 technology forms and have the correct chromebook case with them. If you have not yet returned your back to school forms, please do so by Friday. There are still several that I have not yet received.
Thank you and enjoy your day
Mrs. Ferrara

5B Reminders

Happy Friday……we made it!
We need to get all of the back to school forms in on Monday please. If you were missing some, I sent them home today, if you have not paid the $5 for the locker lock please send that in on Monday as well so we can give out the locks as soon as they come in…….
Thank you for all of the classroom supplies, they will be put to good use
Happy Weekend

5B Information

Dear Parents and Guardians:

5B Homeroom Google Classroom code: qpmuonk
5B Religion Google Classroom code: 3bwbpmn

The following forms need to be completed as soon as possible. They will be posted tomorrow in the Thursday folder:

1. Parent/Student Handbook
2. Google Account
3. Chromebook Agreement
4. Publicity
5. Emergency Contact
6. Technology Policy
7. Class Assistant
8. Lunch Form

Students also need the following:

1. $5.00 to purchase a lock for the locker (in an envelope with student name and 5B)
2. Planner for homework
3. Locker Shelf
4. Chromebook padded case with strap

PLEASE REMEMBER TO SEND IN PAPER TOWELS, TISSUES, WIPES AND COPY PAPER. Students may bring these in a little at a time.

For those of you who sent your forms/supplies in today, thank you.